React Native Swipe Button Component

npm install rn-swipe-button --save

import SwipeButton from 'rn-swipe-button';

<SwipeButton />

NPM Package




iOS gif

Android RTL

Component properties

    containerStyles: PropTypes.object,

    disabled: PropTypes.bool,

    disableResetOnTap: PropTypes.bool, // After swipe success, tapping on the button resets it. Set this prop to true to disable this behavior.

    disabledRailBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,

    disabledThumbIconBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,

    disabledThumbIconBorderColor: PropTypes.string,

    enableReverseSwipe: PropTypes.bool,

    forceReset: PropTypes.func, // RNSwipeButton will call this function by passing a "reset" function as argument. Calling "reset" will reset the swipe thumb.
    height: PropTypes.number,

    onSwipeFail: PropTypes.func,

    onSwipeStart: PropTypes.func,

    onSwipeSuccess: PropTypes.func,

    railBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,

    railBorderColor: PropTypes.string,

    railFillBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,

    railFillBorderColor: PropTypes.string,

    railStyles: PropTypes.object,

    resetAfterSuccessAnimDelay: PropTypes.number,  This is delay before resetting the button after successful swipe When shouldResetAfterSuccess = true
    resetAfterSuccessAnimDuration: PropTypes.number,
    screenReaderEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
    shouldResetAfterSuccess: PropTypes.bool, // If set to true, buttun resets automatically after swipe success with default delay of 1000ms

    swipeSuccessThreshold: PropTypes.number, // Ex: 70. Swipping 70% will be considered as successful swipe

    thumbIconBackgroundColor: PropTypes.string,

    thumbIconBorderColor: PropTypes.string,

    thumbIconComponent: PropTypes.node, Pass any react component to replace swipable thumb icon

    thumbIconImageSource: PropTypes.oneOfType([

    thumbIconStyles: PropTypes.object,

    thumbIconWidth: PropTypes.number,

    title: PropTypes.string,

    titleColor: PropTypes.string,

    titleFontSize: PropTypes.number,

    titleMaxFontScale: PropTypes.number, // Ex: 2. will limit font size increasing to 200% when user increases font size in device properties

    titleStyles: PropTypes.object,

    width: PropTypes.number,



Running example app

  1. git close
  2. cd RNSwipeButton/examples/RNSwipeButtonDemo
  3. yarn
  4. To run on an android emulator

    yarn android
    Make sure of
    • Android Studio is configured
    • Global paths set correctly for Android SDK i.e ANDROID_HOME, tools, platform-tools
    • Java8 is installed
    • At least one emulator is ready
  5. To run on an ios simulator

    yarn ios
    Make sure of
    • xcode is configured
    • cocoapods installed
    • If seeing issues then run pod deintegrate & pod install
    • If seeing issues with fonts
      1. Open ios workspace project in xcode
      2. Select RNSwipeButtonDemo
      3. Go to Build phases
      4. Open 'Copy Bundle Resources' and delete all .ttf files